Agreed Report January 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The board wish all students who are doing the mock examinations at Leaving and Junior certificate the best of luck. The pre-junior cert has been held slightly earlier this year to try and have all results compiled in time for pupils to fill in the levels they will do on the SEC form which are due back in March. The pre-leaving cert is taking place at the normal time. The Board congratulated all involved in the recent Mass in memory of Fr P McGee who passed away 40 years ago. Fr McGee was the first Principal of the school and was instrumental in its opening and the Board were delighted that the school community played an active part with other organisation in remembering him. The weekend of Friday 24th and Saturday 25th April 2015 has been selected as the dates to mark the 40th year of our school. A mass, opening of a memorial garden, commemorating past Boards of Management and an open afternoon for past pupils are all being planned.
Agreed Report February 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The Board would like to congratulate 2014 Leaving Certificate student Paul Queally Gallagher who was on of 78 recipients of a DCU Academic Awards Scholarships on 23rd February. This follows Paul’s success of being awarded an All Ireland Scholarship. The Board of Management have appointed Mr J Masterson to the position of Assistant Principal. The Sport Hall is continuing to be availed of by local groups including Dromard GFC and the Girls Friendly Society. ICT courses which are being run by Longford Westmeath ETB have been taking place over the last number of weeks.
A large enrolment of 140 pupils for 2015-16 has been received and preparation are underway to plan for their entry next August.
Agreed Report March 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The Board would like to congratulate all staff and students who were involved in the many activities over the last month including Seachtain na Gaeilge, Book week Glo health Mile run and visiting speakers including the State Pathologist Dr Marie Cassidy.
With plans now well established for our 40th anniversary celebration the Board look forward to welcoming back past staff, students and board members to share in our Trip Down Memory Lane.
Agreed Report April 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
Longford Westmeath ETB have nominated Mr L McEntire MCC, Mr M Mulleady MCC and Mr B Reid as their new nominees to the Board of Management of Moyne Community School. They took up their position on the Board at the April Meeting. The Chairperson with the agreement of all members proposed that the April meeting be adjourned as a mark of respect to the late Mr Gerry Brady. Gerry was a member of the teaching staff of the school from it opened in 1974 until his retirement in 2009. He taught English and History and in later years was the Home School Liaison Officer. Gerry was actively involved in his community and a local public representative. Gerry served on the Board of Management of the school for 30 years, his last meeting being the last meeting of the Board on Monday 23rdMarch 2015. It was also remembered that Gerry’s wife Elizabeth passed away a little over two weeks before Gerry.
A vote of sympathy was passed to the Brady family on the sad loss of both parents in such a short time.
Agreed Report May 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board wish all students taking the Leaving and Junior Certificate Examination every success in the next month. The Board wish to congratulate management, staff and pupils on the wonderful events organised to mark the 40th anniversary of Moyne Community School. The Board also recognise the many people that return to the school to make the event and share their memories of time in the school.
Once the Redeployment body have completed their work the Board will advertise a number of teaching vacancies that may occur.
Agreed Report June 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The Board carried out its annual review of the School Anti-Bullying Policy. The policies and strategies have been endorsed again for 2015/16. The Board have made a number of teaching appointments for the next school year following the completion of the recruitment process. The Board have agreed to a number of minor decorative and upgrade works to be completed over the summer months. Finally the Board wish all staff and pupils a very enjoyable summer break.
Agreed Report August 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School As this was the first meeting of the current school year a new Chairperson was elected. An agreed rota between all of the partners means that the Chairperson for 2015/16 is a representative of parents. Ms Fiona Finnegan was elected to the position and Mr Peter Masterson will act as Vice-Chair. The Board recorded its thanks to outgoing Chairperson Mr Luie McEntire MCC. The Board of Management congratulated all pupils on their Leaving Certificate results. They also wished to thank the staff of the school for their work in preparing the pupils for this occasion. Funding from the DES has been provided to replace the PC’s in the DCG room. The Board have agreed to provide funding to upgrade PC’s in ICT room 1.
The development of the Sports field is continuing with the purchase of ball stopping nets
Agreed Report September 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The Board of Management congratulated Junior Certificate student and their teachers on their recently received results. The Board wish to that Shane Carrigy and all at Carrigys coaches for their generous sponsorship of a set of jerseys for the Junior girls GAA team. Congratulations were also afforded to the senior boys in their recent success in the GAA blitz in AIT. A number of new teaching appointments were made following an extra teaching allocation based on increased enrolment. The Board themselves will attend training on the roles and functions of school boards given by the ACCS in the school.
Agreed Report October 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The Open night for prospective 1st years for 2016/17 will take place this Thursday 22nd October from 6-8:30pm. Parents/Guardian are asked to have completed application forms and all supporting documentation submitted by the closing date 11th December 2015. The school has been informed that following a national tender procedure a new supplier of broadband has been appointed which will provide for fibre optic cable delivery rather than the current radio signal. The Principal and caretakers have already met with the suppliers and will work with them to ensure a smooth transition. An application for further school improvements will be made to the DES under the recently announced Summer Works Program 2016/17
The Board have agreed to once again fund the annual scholarships to language schools. Six part funded scholarships to Irish language schools (2 Junior and 4 senior) are offered. Two foreign language ones (one French and one German) are also offered. Details will issue to students from the subject departments.
Agreed Report November 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The board have acknowledged the receipt of information from Bus Eireann stating that school transport will not operate during red weather warnings. The Board have agreed that management will monitor weather warnings and conditions and make decisions on school closure when appropriate. Any decision to close will be taken in the best interests of all and will be communicated via the school text messaging service.
Christmas exams for examination years will begin on Monday 30th November. It has also been decided that exams for other years will be more formally structured and held in exam centres rather than class based this year.
Agreed Report December 2015 Meeting Moyne Community School
The Academic Awards Ceremony 2014/15 was held. Katie McKenna was awarded Student of the Year. Conor Lee and Aine Smith won the Fr McGee award for best Junior Certificate results. Five Gaeltacht scholarship and five Centre for Talented Youth scholarships sponsored by the Board of Management were also awarded. A number of students were recognised for achieving 500+ points, an A in a higher level subject and best in each class. As part of the annual review the Board completed the Child Protect School Self-Reporting Form and reviewed the School Child Protect Policy. The Board agreed to formally adopt the policy again following this review. It was agreed that this policy would be displayed at a prominent place in the school and on the school website. The Board also carried out its annual review of the School Health and Safety Statement and adopted it again for 2016.
The Chairperson and members of the Board would like to wish all members of our school community a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year.