In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the code of behaviour guidelines issued by the NEWB, the Board of Management of Moyne Community School has adopted the following anti-bullying policy within the framework of the school’s overall code of behaviour. This policy fully complies with the requirements of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools which were published in September 2013 and can be found by clicking on the link below
The Board of Management of every school must undertake an annual review of the school’s anti-bullying policy and its implementation. A checklist must be used for this purpose. The checklist is an aid to conducting this review and is not intended as an exhaustive list. In order to complete the checklist, an examination and review involving both quantitative and qualitative analysis, as appropriate across the various elements of the implementation of the school’s anti-bullying policy will be required.
The Board of Management carried out our Annual Review at its meeting on 25th June 2024
Moyne Community School are delighted that our 2nd Year pupils will be participating this year in the FUSE Post-Primary Anti-Bullying and Online Safety Programme, developed by the Anti-Bullying Centre (ABC) at Dublin City University.
This is a wonderful opportunity for our school to partner with the Anti-Bullying Centre, DCU. The Centre hosts the UNESCO Chair on bullying and cyberbullying and the Irish Research Observatory on Cyberbullying, Cyberhate and Online Harassment.
The FUSE programme is supported by Facebook, Rethink Ireland and the Department of Education - it is the first research based Anti-Bullying and Online Safety programme in Ireland and is founded on over 20 years of research and is proving highly successful in improving the self-efficacy of children and adolescents in relation to tackling bullying and online safety issues.
At the heart of the FUSE programme is the aim of building capacity in schools themselves to tackle bullying and online safety issues and to empower children and adolescents to understand their own behaviour, be able to recognise bullying and online safety risks and be confident in how to report and seek support when they need it. The FUSE programme consists of four mandatory workshops namely: 1. Bullying and the Importance of Noticing 2. Cyberbullying and the Importance of Noticing 3. Online Safety - Privacy and Sharing Online 4. Online Safety - Cyber Security Awareness The aim of the programme is to increase the confidence of children in Noticing, Responding and Reporting bullying and online safety issues. FUSE will connect school staff, parents and children in open discussion so that together we can create initiatives in our school and community to tackle bullying and promote online safety.