A COVID-19 policy statement outlines the commitment of the school to implement the Covid 19 Response Plan and help prevent the spread of the virus. The policy will be signed and dated by the chairperson and principal of the BOM and brought to the attention of the staff, students, parents and others. Schools must have a COVID-19 policy in place prior to the reopening of schools for the 2020/21 school year. The Board of Management adopted this policy statement at a special Board of Management meeting on Friday 21st August 2020
COVID-19 Response Plan
A COVID-19 Response Plan is designed to support the staff and Board of Management in putting measures in place that aim to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the school environment The COVID-19 Response Plan details the policies and practices necessary for a school to meet the Government’s ‘Return to Work Safely Protocol’, the Department of Education plan for school reopening that will aim to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in the school environment. It is important that the resumption of school based teaching and learning and the reopening of schools complies with the public health advice and guidance documents prepared by the Department. Doing so minimises the risk to students, staff and others. The response plan supports the sustainable reopening of school where the overriding objective is to protect the health of staff and students while promoting the educational and development needs of the children in the school. The COVID-19 response plan is a living document and will be updated in line with the public health advice and any other relevant agreement with education partners as appropriate for post primary schools. In line with the Return to Work Safely Protocol, the key to a safe and sustainable return to work, and reopening of schools requires strong communication and a shared collaborative approach between the BOM, staff, students and parents. The assistance and cooperation of all staff, students, parents, contractors and visitors is critical to the success of the plan. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this document. However, should errors or omissions be identified, please notify us so that appropriate measures can be taken to rectify same.
This response plan has been update prior to 1st March reopening for 6th year students based on documentation and advice from the Department of Education, NPHET and Public health Guidelines