School Plan The School Plan sets forth the educational philosophy of the school, its aims and how it proposes to achieve them. It deals with the curriculum of the school and with the organisation of the school’s resources, including staff, space, facilities, equipment, time and finance. It also includes the school’s policies on a diverse range of administrative and organisational issues and, where appropriate, the school’s strategies for implementing official guidelines, circulars and regulations. It identifies the school’s current priorities for development and the courses of action that the school proposes to take to address them. It sets objectives for improving the quality of learning and teaching in the school. The School Plan is not a static document. It evolves in the light of the changing and developing needs of the school community. It is regularly reviewed and updated. The School Plan serves as a basis for the work of the school as a whole and for evaluating and reporting on whole school progress and development. (Department of Education & Science circulars and publications re the School Plan)
Section A: An overview of the established (or relatively permanent) features of the school, including its mission, vision and aims, context factors, curriculum, and organisational policies
Please click on the links below to view the policies of Moyne Community School. many of this policies are statutory or legislative requirements from various Acts, such as the Education Act (1998), Education Welfare Act (2000)