Moyne Community School is mlti-denominational and co-educational under the trusteeship of the Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois and LWETB. The majority of students belong to the Roman Catholic faith yet the spiritual needs of students and staff of other faiths and none are supported.
The school community has full time Chaplaincy services. The Chaplain is mandated by the trustees to provide care and support for the spiritual, emotional and wellbeing concerns of all members of the school community. |
The Chaplain embodies the ethos of the school community as stated in the school’s mission statement, more specifically underpinning, holding and championing the ethos of this interdenominational school.
The vision and purpose of school Chaplaincy is to be a supportive faith presence within the school community. The Chaplain is concerned with the pastoral and spiritual wellbeing of the students, teachers, staff and parents in a school community. Through her work, the school Chaplain aims to promote a sense of community as well as supporting the personal development of the student. I do not work in isolation but in collaboration as part of a team. |
It is very much a ministry of presence, being authentic, genuine, kind, hopeful and actively listening to what is being said with empathy and sincerity. Many of the issues or concerns that present on any given day are taken care of within the pastoral support system and process. To ensure this happens, the school Chaplain works closely in conjunction with school management, care teams, all staff and with the RE department
Personal relationship, genuine personal presence is at the core of what a compassionate Chaplain must be. In particular, the school Chaplain endeavors to be present to those who find themselves at threshold times in their lives. Chaplaincy services are primarily student based and follow through to home and family life particularly with regard to illness, bereavement and loss. |
The Chaplain responds to the spiritual, pastoral and wellbeing needs of the school community under her care respecting the freedom and or the religious and personal conviction of each individual.
The school Chaplaincy services endeavor to meet people authentically at the point of their need. School Chaplaincy primarily involves journeying with students, staff and the families of this school community in a spirit of freedom, equality and compassion during difficult times in their lives when they share their joy, struggles, anxieties and ambition and come to an awareness of their own strength which can build and sustain their self-esteem and resilience in the present and for their future lives. Supporting the school community may also mean referring individuals to outside support agencies where necessary. |
The Chaplain also witnesses to spiritual needs by inviting students, staff and parents into conversation with one another and with the wider community. Holistic education is facilitated in an atmosphere of care, respect and joy, committed to the development and to the advancement of the full potential of each member of the school. The role of the school Chaplain is wide and varied, and can involve teaching religious education, meeting students on an individual basis, organising liturgies and prayers, planning and participating in activities which relate to the well-being and development of the school community.
Recognising the place of the school in the context of the wider educational environment is one of the central tasks of the school Chaplain, to create a bridge between school, home and parish. The Chaplain helps to mediate the school ethos to parents and is available to them in relation to the well-being of their children and meets with the parents of the students at particular times in the school year, such as the Open Evenings for first years, Parent–Teacher Meetings, Opening of the Year School Mass, Graduation mass, parent education programmes e.g. during Wellbeing Week, and at other key times as well as being available for phone calls, e-mails, appointments and home visits. |