Agreed Report January 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board of Management has commenced the process of Appointing two new Assistant Principal following receipt of Cl 0004/14. Notice has been sent to all staff and the closing date for applications is 4pm on Thursday 13th February 2014. Parent teacher meeting will now run according to the original school calendar following the ending of Industrial Action. The next scheduled meeting is on 5th February for parents of 1st Years. This will run from 4.15 to 6.45. The Pre-exams are due to commence on Thursday 6th February and ruyn until midterm break 14thFebruary . Induction tests for prospective entrants into 1st year for the 2014/15 school year will take place on Saturday 8th February from 9.30 to 12.30 The Board congratulation the Senior Cycle History Students and their teachers Ms Cox and Mr O’Leary on their participation in a project with Youth Connect on the 1913 lockout. The class produced photographs to represent the history of the event. One of the picture won an online competition for best photograph and the school has received a large canvass copy of it. School will close on Friday 14th February at 3.40 and reopen Monday 24th February for mid term break.
Agreed Report February 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board have agreed to approve two foreign language scholarships for the summer. This is an annual practice and it is intended to offer one place for French and one for German at a suitable summer school.Nearly 140 pupils attended the induction testing held on Saturday morning 8th February. There are offers of places being sent to all and the closing date for receipt of acceptance is 22nd March 2014. The Board congratulated the staff and students on the manner in which the open night and induction testing was carried out –much positive feedback was received from parents on the positive, helpful atmosphere in the school. This was supported and endorsed by all members present.
Agreed Report March 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board congratulated all staff and pupils involved in the recent production of a video “Happy” to promote positive mental health. It has been viewed over 5000 times on you tube and has received widespread praise. The Board also congratulated TY Enterprise Company Timber Teasers who have recently won two county competitions and will continue onto national competitions. The Board wished them continued success. The draft report from the Programme Evaluation for LCVP undertaken in December has been received for factual verification. The Principal outlined the main finding and comments and reflected on its positive finding. It was agreed that the contents were factually correct and this response was signed by the Chairperson and Principal for return to the Inspectorate.
Agreed Report April 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board wish to thank all who responded to the Uniform Survey. The exact counting of returned questionnaires is ongoing, whoever, it is clear there is widespread support and satisfaction with the current uniform. The final results will be posted on the school website. The School has been granted considerable funding for major upgrading works to the wiring, power distribution systems and lighting in the school under the Summer Works 2014 Scheme by the Department of Education and Skills. The process of engaging a consultant to oversee the project has begun. The Board wish to congratulate · Ms Killian and the Green Schools committee who have secured the schools 4th Green Flag for Transport. · Mr Doherty and TY Enterprise Timber Teasers in reaching two national finals. · Pupils Ciara Finnegan and Emer O’Reilly on reaching the semi-finals of the All Ireland Schools Talent Search Finally, the term of office for the current Board of Management comes to an end on 31st July 2014. The process of electing a Board to serve for the next three years will now begin. The Board consists of nominees from the following · 2 Parents · 2 Teachers · 3 nominees of the Bishop
3 nominees of Longford Westmeath ETB
Agreed Report May 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the code of behaviour guidelines issued by the NEWB, the Board of Management of Moyne Community School has adopted an anti-bullying policy within the framework of the school’s overall code of behaviour. This policy fully complies with the requirements of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schoolswhich were published in September 2013. The policy is published on the school website. A Legislative and Regulatory checklist was analysed as part of the School Self Evaluation Process. The members went through each item on the checklist and are happy that the school is compliant with all policies and procedures and the report was adopted. A busy week was held recently with an information evening for parents of incoming 1st year students on Monday 19th, the Transition Year Awards night on Tuesday 20th and the Leaving Cert Grad Mass on Thursday 22nd. The Board complemented all involved in running all of these events. The Board welcome the 1st year students of 2014/15 who will visit the school as part of the Transition Programme on Wednesday 28th May. The Board are continuing with the procedures for completing the Electrical upgrade works as part of the Summer Work Scheme 2014. The process for appointing a consultant laid out in the DES TGD is now near completion. Finally the Board would like to wish all of the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate students every good wish as they begin their exams. They hope all other students have an enjoyable Summer Break.
Agreed Report August 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School This was the first meeting of the new Board of Management of Moyne Community School who will serve a term of three years. The Board is made up of the following members · Nominees of the Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois are Mr Michael Denning, Fr Eamon Corkery and Ms Loreta Fahy. · Nominees of Longford/Westmeath ETB are Mr Gerry Brady, Mr John Duffy MCC and Mr Luis McEntire MCC · Nominees of parents are Ms Fiona Finnegan and Mr Peter Masterson · Nominees of staff are Mr John Masterson and Ms Mairead Moffatt · The Prinipal Mr Des Cullen acts as secretary to the Board of Management At this first meeting Mr L McEntire was elected Chairperson for the next twelve months. The Board of Management recognise that this is the 40th year of Moyne Community School and pay tribute to all who have played a part in its history - parent, pupils, teaching and non-teaching staff, Board members, Parents association and the local community. It was agreed that this milestone will be marked in some way during the school year. The Board wish to congratulate the Leaving Certificate class of 2014 and their teachers on their recent result. The Board wish all students every success in their chosen futures. The new cohort of students who have recently arrived are welcome and it is hoped that they will have an enjoyable, happy and fulfilling time in Moyne Community School. It is recognised that the intake of 136 first years is perhaps the largest ever in the school’s history.
Work is ongoing on the electrical and lighting in the school under the Summer Work 2014 programme. All classrooms and corridors will be fitted out with new lights and sockets. Energy efficiency will be greatly improved through these new light fittings which include sensor controls. All of the electrical distribution boxes have been replaced with up to date replacements bring the school in line with modern regulations and requirements. While there will be some disruption to the school it is envisage that the work will be completed by the end of October at the very latest.
Agreed Report September 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board of Management wish to congratulate Timber Teaser, a mini enterprise from last year’s Transition Year who won 1st place in the Sean Lemass Get Up and Go Enterprise Awards 2014. It is a great achievement for Kian Brough, Charlie McGreevy, Della McLoughlin, Francie Molloy, Thomas McVeigh and their teacher Mr Padraig Doherty. The Award was presented by the Taoiseach and by the Minister for Education at a ceremony at the DES on Thursday 18th September. Work is ongoing with the electrical upgrading of the school. New lights and wiring and distribution boards are being put in place. The start of year mass will take place on Wednesday 24th September and will be the first occasion our new patron Bishop Francis Duffy visits the school. We look forward to his support.
The occasion will also be enhanced with the raising of two new flags. The YSI participation flag and Green flag for Transport will join the Green flags for litter awarenesss/recycling, water conservation and energy conservation.
Agreed Report October 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board have once again made a provision for language scholarships to be offered. In the summer of 2014 six Gaeltacht scholarships to the value of €590 each were offered. Two of these were reserved for junior students the remainder for Senior Cycle students. Two foreign language scholarships valued at €880 each were open to senior students. One scholarship been awarded to each of French and German language students. The enrolment process for the 2015-2016 school year has begun. An Open Night for pupils from 5thand 6th class and their parent will be held on 23rd October from 6 – 8:30pm. Application pack will be available on the night. Enrolment forms should be returned to the school by 12 December 2014.
The Board held a discussion on integrating ICT into teaching and learning. The introduction of IPads was a topic of discussion. It is still felt that the benefits and drawbacks need further investigation and the Board will continue to investigate best practice in this area.
Agreed Report December 2014 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board of Management of Moyne Community School wish to state that The Board of Managements Annual Review of the school's child protection policy was completed at the board meeting of 15th December 2014. This review was conducted in accordance with the checklist set out in Appendix 2 of the Departments "Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools" The board carried out a review of the schools Health and Safety Statement which is on public display in the school. The Board are delighted to award six Gaeltacht Scholarships for 2015. The Board congratulate all of the successful applicants. The Board are also delighted to support five 1styear students who performed excellently in verbal and Mathematical reason in school tests. The students are offered the opportunity to attend the Centre for Talented Youth in DCU next February with the school covering their entry fee.
The Chairperson, on behalf of the Board wishes all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.