Agreed Report July 2016 Meeting Moyne Community School Follwing the advertisement and interviewing process the Board of Management ratified the appointment of a number of treacher for the 2016/17 school year.
The Book rental scheme will continue to be expanded next year with additional subject areas being added
The end of year statistical returns to Tusla were discussed and concern was raised regarding the number of senior student who have missed 20 or more days.
Agreed Report August 2016 Meeting Moyne Community School
The results of the Leaving Certificate have been received and the secretary gave a brief outline of the results, particularly the points spread in comparison to previous years. The member joined with him in congratulating the pupils and teachers on their effort
Agreed Report September 2016 Meeting Moyne Community School
As this was the first meeting of the new academic year the position of Chairperson rotates to a new member. As per the agreed rotation the Board have elected staff member Ms Maireaid Moffatt as Chairperson and Mr John masterson as Vice Chairperson. Outgoing Chairperson Ms F Finnegan was thanked for her work during the last 12 months
The Principal reported on the Book Rental Scheme which so far covers five core subject books and three optional subject books at JC and seven LC books. A discussion took place on the cost of returning to school and it was agreed the with the book rental scheme and very few branded uniform items that costs to parents were kept to a minimum.
The Board briefly discussed the release and content of o Looking at Our School 2016: a Quality Framework for Schools o School Self Evaluation Curriculars o Revised School Self Evaluation Guidelines, 2016-20 o Revised Guides to Inspections The results of the junior Certificate have been received and the secretary gave a brief outline of the results. The members joined with him in congratulating the pupils and teachers on their efforts
The successful All Ireland winning Longford ladies GAA team visitedthe school. A considerable number of the squad are past pupils. Board members offered the team and officals the congratulations of the school.
The board have passed by resolution a protected Disclosures Policy as required by Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (PDA) Legal Basis for schools having a Protected Disclosures Policy: The PDA places a requirement on every public body (encompasses schools) to establish and maintain procedures for the making of protected disclosures by workers who are, or were employed, by the public body and for dealing with such disclosures.
Agreed Report October 2016 Meeting Moyne Community School
Following notice of ASTI industrial action the Board have decided that in the interest of pupils safety parents would be requested not to sent children to school during strike day. This will be communicated to parents when necessary by post and text message. The Board have committed to review the situation with regard to Supervisiona and substitution and a sub committe has been established to manage contingency arrangements. Again parents will be kept informed
Special Board meetings will be called during the dispurte as required.
Agreed Report November 2016 Meeting Moyne Community School The Board have agreed to once again fund the annual scholarships to language schools. Six part funded scholarships to Irish language schools (2 Junior and 4 senior) are offered. Two foreign language ones (one French and one German) are also offered. Details will issue to students from the subject departments.
The School Open Day was a great success. The Board request that applications to enrol for 2017/18be submitted by 12 December 2016.
The Board were happy that school could remain open on Monday 7th November during ASTI withdrawal of Supervision and Substitution. the Board had met a number of times over the last few week to organise contingency arrangemnts if required and all parent will be notified by text of any changing circumstances
The Board acknowledge the resignation of Clllr M Mulleady from the BOM due to other committments and thank him sincerely for his work during his time as a member
Agreed Report December 2016 Meeting Moyne Community School The School Self Evaluation legislative checklist was completed and reviewed by the Board. This will be carried out annually at the December meeting.
The board carried out a review of its Child Protection Policy, and the annual review check list and self reporting form. The policy was re-adopted again and will be reviewed at the December meeting 2017. a review of the Health and Safety statement was also adopted by the Board.
The board are pleased to be presenting language scholarships and CTY scholarships for 1st years at the Academic Achievement Awards to be held in the school on 21st December.